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Jesus of the People

Museum Exhibits

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Jesus of the People Packaged Card Set # 1 - 12-Pack of blank assorted 4" x 6" cards, envelopes included- $25

(2-"Jesus of the People", 2- "The Holy Family", 2- "Magna Mater", 2- "Epiphany", 2- "Mary with the Midwives, 2- "Sacred Madonna and Child")

Adam and Eve Packaged Card Set # 2 - 12-Pack of blank assorted 5" x 7" cards, envelopes included- $25

(2-"Sacred Family of Sandia", 2- "When Angels Do Your Bidding", 2- "Our Lady of Guadalupe", 2- "Reverence, 2- "Radiance", 2- "Adam and Eve")

The Divine Journey - Companions of Love and Hope Packaged Card Set # 3 - 12-Pack of blank assorted 4" x 6" cards, envelopes included- $25

(2-"The Resurrection, 2-Elijah Hears the Still, Small Voice of God, 2- Mary and Jesus with the papel picado, 2-Mary Magdalene - Invitation to Love, 2- Mary - Mother of Mercy, 2- The Divine Journey - Companions of Love and Hope")

Sanctuary Packaged Card Set # 4 - 12-Pack of blank assorted 4" x 6" cards, envelopes included- $25

(2-"Sanctuary, 2-Mary - Mother of Enduring Love, 2- Holy Mother of the East, 2-Abiding Love, 2- Mother Mary - Mother to us All and Madonna, 2- Child with the Origami Angels")

Holy Mother Of The East
"Holy Mother Of The East" Individual Greeting Card- $3.00 Each plus Shipping
Set of 12 "Holy Mother Of The East- $25.00 Each plus Shipping
Card Narrative: (back of card)
Vietnamese Catholics have a special devotion for the Mother of Jesus and in China there is a long-standing Catholic tradition of processions led by an image of Mary to seek divine intersession. Across Southeast Asia Mary is beloved. In the Philippines there is a phrase in Spanish about the Filipinos - they are "pueblo amante de Maria," - people in love with Mary.

Blank Inside

"Sanctuary" Individual Greeting Card- $3.00 Each plus Shipping
Set of 12 "Sanctuary- $25.00 Each plus Shipping
Card Narrative: (back of card)
Let me live forever in your sanctuary, Safe beneath the shelter of your wings. Psalm 61: 4, New Living Translation

Blank Inside

Mary Mother of Enduring Love
"Mary Mother of Enduring Love" Individual Greeting Card- $3.00 Each plus Shipping
Set of 12 "Mary Mother of Enduring Love- $25.00 Each plus Shipping
Card Narrative: (back of card)
May the Blessed Mother's unconditional love for us inspire humanity to love one another more.
The University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio, commissioned Mary - Mother of Enduring Love for the Virgin Mary Devotional Space within the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception.

Blank Inside

Abiding Love
"Abiding Love" Individual Greeting Card- $3.00 Each plus Shipping
Set of 12 "Abiding Love- $25.00 Each plus Shipping
Card Narrative: (back of card)
Beloved Mother Mary, a loving source of maternal comfort andhope for suffering women now and across time, exemplifies the Feminine Spirit. She is grace personified - love given, and love received.

Blank Inside

Mother Mary - Mother to us All
"Mother Mary - Mother to us All" Individual Greeting Card- $3.00 Each plus Shipping
Set of 12 "Mother Mary - Mother to us All- $25.00 Each plus Shipping
Card Narrative: (back of card)
Mother of God
Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, for thou hast given birth to the Saviour of our souls.

Blank Inside

Madonna and Child with the Origami Angels
"Madonna and Child with the Origami Angels" Individual Greeting Card- $3.00 Each plus Shipping
Set of 12 "Madonna and Child with the Origami Angels- $25.00 Each plus Shipping
Card Narrative: (back of card)
Mother Mary lovingly holds her child, caressing his face as he sleeps. The delicate wings of the origami angels reach out to Mary and Jesus, gently surrounding them. In Japan paper cranes are folded to help God hear prayers. The tradition of folding of 1000 origami cranes symbolizes healing and hope during times of loss and suffering.

Blank Inside

Elijah Hears the Still Small Voice of God
"Elijah Hears the Still Small Voice of God" Individual Greeting Card- $3.00 Each plus Shipping
Set of 12 "Elijah Hears the Still Small Voice of God- $25.00 Each plus Shipping
Card Narrative: (back of card)
The prophet Elijah fled into the wilderness and traveled forty days into the Sinai Desert to Mount Horeb. There was a great wind, an earthquake, and a fire, but it wasn't until Elijah heard "a still small voice" that he encountered the Lord. Kings 19:9-13

Blank Inside

The Resurrection
"The Resurrection" Individual Greeting Card- $3.00 Each plus Shipping
Set of 12 "The Resurrection- $25.00 Each plus Shipping
Card Narrative: (back of card)
Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime. Martin Luther

Blank Inside

The Divine Journey-Companions of Love and Hope
"The Divine Journey-Companions of Love and Hope" Individual Greeting Card- $3.00 Each plus Shipping
Set of 12 "The Divine Journey-Companions of Love and Hope- $25.00 Each plus Shipping
Card Narrative: (back of card)
This work of art honors the feminine community. Fueled by memories of the past and created as a visual prayer for the present it is my hope this painting serves as a testament to the courage and strength of women into the future. Mary, the beloved foundational figure around which timeless women gather, reaches out to us through her gaze as her blessed child sleeps within her protection.

Blank Inside

Mary Magdalene - Invitation to Love
"Mary Magdalene - Invitation to Love" Individual Greeting Card- $3.00 Each plus Shipping
Set of 12 "Mary Magdalene - Invitation to Love" Greeting Cards- $25.00 Each plus Shipping
Card Narrative: (back of card)
Mary Magdalene, beloved the world over, serves as a source of hope and courage, illuminating the role of women in the story of salvation. After Jesus' Ascension into heaven Mary Magdalene traveled to the Emperor Tiberius Caesar in Rome to proclaim the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. With an egg in hand she spoke for the first time what is now the universal Easter proclamation - "Christ is risen!" The emperor said that Jesus had no more risen than the egg in her hand was red. At these words the egg turned red - a sign from God reflecting the truth of her message. Mary Magdalene, the first one sent to proclaim the Resurrection, was faithful to Jesus' vision of the realm of God in which all are included and justice reigns.

Blank Inside

Mary - Mother of Mercy
"Mary - Mother of Mercy" Individual Greeting Card- $3.00 Each plus Shipping
Set of 12 "Mary - Mother of Mercy" Greeting Cards- $25.00 Each plus Shipping
Card Narrative: (back of card)
Mother Mary protectively and lovingly holds humanity within her mantle. She rises up with outstretched arms, her hands gripping her mantle with strength. Mary's concern for us is reflected on her face through her inward expression and closed eyes. The figures within Mary's mantle honor diversity. The aged woman with bowed head leans in to Mary, opposite her the young woman of mixed Asian ancestry reverentially looks up to her, the praying male figure, inclusive of the Caucasian race, references Judaism, the wrapped standing child represents Islam and the kneeling, praying woman celebrates dark skinned people the world over. A child of Mayan heritage representing indigenous people carries the action of the painting. All have their eyes closed and are in communion with God except for the child who looks out to us. Her stance is one of innocence with her lightly held hands yet her arms present the possibility they may just unfurl into the same protective gesture as Mary. She is the voice of the innocent reminding of the purity of children who are the hope for the future.

Blank Inside

Mary and Jesus with the papel picado
"Mary and Jesus with the papel picado" Individual Greeting Card- $3.00 Each plus Shipping
Set of 12 "Mary and Jesus with the papel picado" Greeting Cards- $25.00 Each plus Shipping
Card Narrative: (back of card)
Mary, holding the Beloved Child Jesus in her arms, looks at us with compassion. She is Mother, and her love knows no bounds. The Blessed Mother, who understands the suffering in our lives, reminds us of God's loving mercy, which extends to everyone, to the entire human family.

Blank Inside

The Star

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Card Narrative: (back of card)
"The Star" celebrates the sacred relationship between the Madonna and Child, which is emblematic of all mothers and their children.

Inside Greeting: "And they traveled by night, for their guide was a beautiful, wondrous star.
May the light of Christmas be with you now and always."

Epiphany "Epiphany" Individual Greeting Card- $3.00 Each plus Shipping
Set of 12 "Epiphany" Greeting Cards- $25.00 Each plus Shipping
Card Narrative: (back of card)
Wise women throughout time and in every culture know themselves to be seekers and seers of the Divine. In Janet McKenzie's interpretation of the Magi, women around the world find an image of the Epiphany that includes and validates their encounters with the One Who Saves, celebrated here in the powerful, protective and tender manifestation of a mother and her child, embraced and nurtured by a loving community. Here is global inclusiveness-the giving and receiving of the three gifts essential to life itself: presence, love and daily bread. Epiphany proclaims again and anew: Christ for all people. God's favor extends to all!

The Holy Family
"The Holy Family" Individual Greeting Card- $3.00 Each plus Shipping
Set of 12 "Holy Family" Greeting Cards- $25.00 Each plus Shipping

"The Holy Family" is a new card by artist Janet McKenzie. This is an inclusive image of the Holy Family, which was originally commissioned by The Loyola School for the Loyola Chapel, New York City.

Card Narrative (Back of Card):
Mary, Joseph and Jesus, The Holy Family, lovingly interact with one another symbolizing the essence of family. Seated almost as one entity, their unity, mutual love and sacred bond is visible. Jesus is enveloped in his mother's arms and safely wrapped within her love. It is he who reaches out to the viewer with a gaze ripe with wisdom beyond his years. The Blessed Mother holds her child, able to protect him - for now.

The presence of the Holy Spirit is revealed through Mary's quiet state of prayer and reflection. She is mother, nurturer and the bearer of life. Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, is often depicted in art as removed and separate from the Holy Mother and her child. Here he is presented as a foundational and integral figure, his gentle touch a reminder of his paternal presence.

The Loyola School, New York, N.Y., commissioned "The Holy Family" for the Loyola Chapel.

Inside Greeting: Blank

Sacred Madonna & Child
"Sacred Madonna & Child" Individual Greeting Card- $3.00 Each plus Shipping
Set of 12 "Sacred Madonna & Child" Greeting Cards- $25.00 Each plus Shipping

Card Narrative (Back of Card):
Sacred Madonna and Child, spoken through Mary and Jesus, celebrates and honors all mothers. The love between a mother and her child is like no other - it is a bond that is at once unconditional and complete. For all of us, a mother's love is the wonderful gift of comfort and peace.

Madonna and Child - Boundless Love
"Madonna and Child - Boundless Love"

Sold Out

Card Narrative: (back of card)
Madonna and Child - Boundless Love in the beginning a child came to us, for us, for our salvation and was nutured by boundless love. It was the Blessed Mother, whom the archangels honor and virtues glorify, that laid the earliest foundation of selfless love and devotion for the Son of God. From the time that Archangel Gabriel informed Mary of God's design until her Blesses Child's death on Calvary, her love was steadfast and unfailing. The image of the Madonna is a recognizable symbol of the purity and divine aspect of motherhood, at once sacrificial and complete.

Through this image, Janet McKenzie quietly and with reverence celebrates the lifelong spiritual union between mother and child. She presents the Blessed Virgin and the Holy Child lovingly, with the Madonna monumentally protective and sweetly tender. Her child, Our Savior, is wrapped in her arms - as he is in her love.

Mary, and the Midwives "Mary with the Midwives" Greeting Note Card- $3.00 Each plus Shipping
Set of 12 "Mary with the Midwives" Greeting Cards- $25.00 Each plus Shipping
Card Narrative: (back of card)
Mary's time to deliver has come. Strengthened in the embrace of experienced midwives, she is prepared for the labor and pain of giving birth. The women's eyes are closed in heightened awareness and communion with creative forces within. Lips parted, Mary is exhaling - surrendering her breath and being to the Divine at work and shining through her - as the classic symbol of inspiration and new life hovers above.
Janet McKenzie's Mary with the Midwives invites women everywhere to the awareness and naming of their own labor to bring new life to others as the act of giving birth to the Divine - in their babies, their work, their art and in their care of the earth - through the support, facilitation and advocacy of other women.

Jesus of the People "Jesus of the People" Individual Greeting Card- $3.00 Each plus Shipping
Set of 12 "Jesus of the People" Greeting Cards- $25.00 Each plus Shipping
Card Narrative: (back of card)
"Jesus of the People" simply came through me. I feel as though I am only a vehicle for its existence. Jesus stands holding His robes, one hand near His heart, and looks at us-and to us. He is flanked by three symbols. The yin-yang symbol represents perfect harmony, the halo conveys Jesus' holiness and the feather symbolizes transcendent knowledge. The feather also refers to the Native American and the Great Spirit. The feminine aspect is served by the fact that although Jesus was designed as a man with masculine presence, the model was a woman. The essence of the work is simply that Jesus is all of us."- Janet McKenzie
Judge Sister Wendy Beckett, an art expert, author and television personality, selected Jesus of the People as the winner of the National Catholic Reporter Jesus 2000 competition. The competition, which sought a powerful portrayal of Christ at the millennium, drew 1,700 other entries from around the world.
In the words of Sister Wendy, "This is a haunting image of a peasant Jesus - dark, thick-lipped, looking out on us with ineffable dignity, with sadness but with confidence. Over His white robe He draws the darkness of our lack of love, holding it to Himself, prepared to transform all sorrows if we will let Him."

Adam and Eve "Adam and Eve" Individual Greeting Card (5" x 7")- $3.00 Each plus Shipping
Set of 12 "Adam and Eve" Greeting Cards- $25.00 Each plus Shipping
Card Narrative (back of card):
Eve, imaged as a Native American woman and wearing a sacred robe, reaches to Adam at the heart of the work, the center. In acceptance they bow their heads at the realization of their mutual fate, their expulsion from the Garden of Eden. They stand against a primal blue, the waters of life. Roses, a symbol of heavenly perfection and earthly passion, unite them and rise in panels connecting heaven and earth.

Magna Mater "Magna Mater" Individual Greeting Card- $3.00 Each plus Shipping
Set of 12 "Magna Mater" Greeting Cards- $25.00 Each plus Shipping
Card Narrative (back of card):
Magna Mater (Great Mother) pays homage to the life-giving aspect of women, affirming the ongoing nature of life. It is the journey of Motherhood and the path of two traveling as one. It is the ultimate gift of the female body. She stands majestically within herself, as symbolic voice of hope.
Magna Mater also acknowledges the fundamental experience of human nurturing, inclusive of men - reflecting all relationships built on the gift of love.
Artist Janet McKenzie celebrates the feminine being as a universal symbol of hope. "My passion as an artist is the creation of empowering, optimistic and inclusive paintings that celebrate humanity, in particular women. I strive to create work that speaks from the heart."

Radiance "Radiance" Individual Greeting Card (5" x 7")- $3.00 Each plus Shipping
Set of 12 "Radiance" Greeting Cards- $25.00 Each plus Shipping
Card Narrative (back of card):
"Radiance" is the first work in a series on twins. Inspired by her grandmother, Esther Andrea Anderson who came to New York in 1903 from Sweden with her twin sister, McKenzie presents her subjects as fair mirror-images of one another yet conveying different feelings. This work reflects an inner radiance made stronger by this bond between sisters and serves to remind that we are all reflections of one another.

Reverence "Reverence" Individual Greeting Card (5" x 7")- $3.00 Each plus Shipping
Set of 12 "Reverence" Greeting Cards- $25.00 Each plus Shipping
Card Narrative (back of card):
Each day, each moment in time reflects the majesty of life and the fabulous gift that our lives are to us. The act of reverence through the simple gesture of bowing the head acknowledges the sacred nature of our existence. The child reaches to the mother and she responds through touch in quiet communication. Their gesture of love stands as a symbol for the place of contemplation and reverence that exists in all of us.

The Gift of St. James "The Gift of St. James" Individual Greeting Card (5" x 7")- $3.00 Each plus Shipping
Set of 12 "The Gift of St. James" Greeting Cards- $25.00 Each plus Shipping
Card Narrative (back of card):
"The Gift of St. James" (Shrine Chapel, St. James the Greater Roman Catholic Church, Island Pond, Vermont) was dedicated by Rev. Richard Fowler, Pastor, whose joy and inspiration greatly contributed to the creation of this work. The central figure, representing the feminine source of love and strength, is the Virgin Mary. She holds the Christ Child who looks to heaven. At the Virgin's side, presenting the viewer to Mary and the Child is St. James, the patron of the parish. He is depicted wearing the traditional pilgrim mantle, sombrero and walking staff. His coat is adorned with cockle shells, which device religious art has tradtionally associated with St. James the Greater, in Spain honored as Santiago de Compostela. In the background, one can identify Island Pond landmarks. The work is dedicated to the memory of the artist's mother and father.

The Sacred Family of Sandia "The Sacred Family of Sandia" Individual Greeting Card (5" x 7")- $3.00 Each plus Shipping
Set of 12 "The Sacred Family of Sandia" Greeting Cards- $25.00 Each plus Shipping
Card Narrative (back of card):
Over the course of time spent in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Janet McKenzie grew to understand the Native American's view that mountains are living entities. The Sandia Mountains spoke to her daily and inspired her to create this work of a family built in the form of the mountains she grew to love. Powerfully rising up yet tenderly interconnected, she saw the family as the mountain was - structured in layers and stronger for being unified. The father and mother stand as great masses of stone stand, with unrelenting and fundamental strength and the children are like schisms, always breaking off and leaving.

Our Lady of Guadalupe "Our Lady of Guadalupe" Individual Greeting Card (5" x 7")- $3.00 Each plus Shipping
Set of 12 "Our Lady of Guadalupe" Greeting Cards- $25.00 Each plus Shipping
Card Narrative (back of card):
The desire to create this work, an interpretation of the "Dark Virgin" from south of the border, was fueled by the realization that devotion to the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe has reduced prejudice and united people from a variety of different tradtions. This interpretation was created in New Mexico and is part of the artist's "Albuquerque Series", work inspired by the southwest. This work focuses on Our Lady's unfailing loving kindness and her expression of compassion. Depicted with no traditional body haloes and a younger Juan Diego who holds roses, Our Lady is the ultimate Mother. Against the brilliant blue of the New Mexico sky She caresses the child's face, standing over him in adoration and love.

When Angels Do Your Bidding "When Angels Do Your Bidding" Individual Greeting Card (5" x 7")- $3.00 Each plus Shipping
Set of 12 "When Angels Do Your Bidding" Greeting Cards- $25.00 Each plus Shipping
Card Narrative (back of card):
She is a symbol of total maternal devotion, selfless and protective, an icon of the ongoing nature of life. Bearing the weight of her child with ease she is flanked by her companions of the earth. Her gaze, and theirs, connect with ours. She is my mother - and hers before her - she is me and she is my daughter. She is the Madonna and the lily, she is Mother.

Click Here for Prints

Reproduction Rights
All of Ms. McKenzie's images are copyrighted.
If you are interested in reproducing "Jesus of the People" (or other images) for use in magazines, books, textbooks, video or film, please contact Janet McKenzie at or by calling (802) 723-4122.

All orders are shipped via the United States Postal Service. Print and greeting card orders are shipped separately and pricing is based on the total dollar amount of the order. Rates apply only to the United States. After receiving an International order, buyers will be sent an invoice via PayPal providing the actual cost to mail to your country. Once the invoice is paid the order will be mailed. Should you not wish to proceed, please send an email saying so, to, and a refund will be issued. Every effort is made to keep shipping and handling costs at a minimum. Thank you!

Shipping Rates

If you are not completely satisfied with your order please return the items in saleable condition for a full refund.

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* Jesus of the People* Museum Exhibits*